

English Intent:


The National Curriculum (2014) clearly states that teaching the English language is an essential role of a primary school. At St Benedict’s, we recognise that effective communication is vital and know that we have a duty to ensure that English teaching is a priority. We recognise that fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all other subjects across the curriculum. We know that it is our duty to teach all pupils to read and write fluently so that they can communicate effectively with others in all areas of their lives. 

At St Benedict’s, through the English curriculum, we aim to: 

  • Ensure that all pupils can read fluently and show a clear understanding of what they have read.
  • Ensure that all pupils can write clearly and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences.
  • Ensure that all pupils can share, explain and listen to each other’s ideas, by incorporating discussion into their English learning journeys.
  • Ensure that through their reading, pupils obtain a wide range of vocabulary that they can confidently use in their spoken language and written work.
  • Ensure that all pupils experience a wide range of genres and authors, encouraging them to acquire a love of reading.
  • Ensure that all pupils receive a well-balanced English curriculum.
  • Ensure that each teacher provides pupils with a consistent approach to English teaching.
  • Ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to extend their English knowledge and skills through cross-curricular opportunities.


Please see our English Policy below for more details about the implementation and impact of the teaching and learning of English at St Benedict's.


English Documents:

English Policy

Reading Progression

Writing Progression 

Poetry Progression

Vocabulary Progression

Whole School Quality Texts Overview - Autumn Term 

Whole School Quality Texts Overview - Spring Term 

Whole School Quality Texts Overview - Summer Term 



We believe that teaching reading at the very start of a pupil's learning journey should be wrapped up in a world of adventure, excitement and joy that only sharing stories and books together can bring.

Our curriculum is built around high quality texts. We understand the importance of exposing our children to the very best books and stories. Our classrooms are places where books are read, talked about and enjoyed.

This approach begins with our youngest children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.

In order to support our early adventurers to read for themselves, we use phonics as our prime approach to the teaching of reading. We follow the phonics scheme, Monster Phonics. 

We also regularly revise Phase 5 phonics in Year 2 for application when reading and spelling to ensure that our children have the very best knowledge and understanding to help them develop these important skills.

Further information about how phonics is taught can be found here.


Please see our 'Class Information' Pages for year group specific information regarding English. 



English Intent:


The National Curriculum (2014) clearly states that teaching the English language is an essential role of a primary school. At St Benedict’s, we recognise that effective communication is vital and know that we have a duty to ensure that English teaching is a priority. We recognise that fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all other subjects across the curriculum. We know that it is our duty to teach all pupils to read and write fluently so that they can communicate effectively with others in all areas of their lives. 

At St Benedict’s, through the English curriculum, we aim to: 

  • Ensure that all pupils can read fluently and show a clear understanding of what they have read.
  • Ensure that all pupils can write clearly and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences.
  • Ensure that all pupils can share, explain and listen to each other’s ideas, by incorporating discussion into their English learning journeys.
  • Ensure that through their reading, pupils obtain a wide range of vocabulary that they can confidently use in their spoken language and written work.
  • Ensure that all pupils experience a wide range of genres and authors, encouraging them to acquire a love of reading.
  • Ensure that all pupils receive a well-balanced English curriculum.
  • Ensure that each teacher provides pupils with a consistent approach to English teaching.
  • Ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to extend their English knowledge and skills through cross-curricular opportunities.


Please see our English Policy below for more details about the implementation and impact of the teaching and learning of English at St Benedict's.


English Documents:

English Policy

Reading Progression

Writing Progression 

Poetry Progression

Vocabulary Progression

Whole School Quality Texts Overview - Autumn Term 

Whole School Quality Texts Overview - Spring Term 

Whole School Quality Texts Overview - Summer Term 



We believe that teaching reading at the very start of a pupil's learning journey should be wrapped up in a world of adventure, excitement and joy that only sharing stories and books together can bring.

Our curriculum is built around high quality texts. We understand the importance of exposing our children to the very best books and stories. Our classrooms are places where books are read, talked about and enjoyed.

This approach begins with our youngest children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.

In order to support our early adventurers to read for themselves, we use phonics as our prime approach to the teaching of reading. We follow the phonics scheme, Monster Phonics. 

We also regularly revise Phase 5 phonics in Year 2 for application when reading and spelling to ensure that our children have the very best knowledge and understanding to help them develop these important skills.

Further information about how phonics is taught can be found here.


Please see our 'Class Information' Pages for year group specific information regarding English. 
