Key Stage Information:
Information for each class can be found below:
Whole School Quality Texts Termly Overview:
Year 1:
Years 2 - 6:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6:
We aim to create a curriculum that has breadth and balance, develops skills, knowledge and understanding with a focus on vocabulary development and enrichment whatever their starting points. All teaching staff understand
St. Benedict’s curriculum will:
Our curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum (2014). We provide a rigorous, well planned curriculum, delivered by excellent staff in an ethos of care, love and support. This enables all our pupils to be well rounded, empathetic young people who have a thirst for learning and respect for all around them.
In order to ensure our children have the skills knowledge and vocabulary to take the next steps in their learning, we need to be prepared to engage as individuals, parents, workers and citizens with economic, social and cultural change, and for the rapid expansion of communication technologies. Our taught curriculum and the experiences which we make available for the children ensure that they are healthy, safe and enjoy, achieve and are challenged as they become good citizens for the community.
Our curriculum is arranged so that all subject areas are given full coverage over the period of a school year. We have specifically allocated ‘Topic Weeks’ where children learn specific skills and knowledge in greater depth, through a themed approach. The learning emphasis in these weeks is driven through the Humanities. Children still have stand-alone Maths, R.E. and P.E. lessons but they encompass their English learning within the chosen topic. This allows the following weeks learning to focus on core subjects: English, Maths, R.E., Science, Computing and P.E. using the information they have gained in Topic Weeks to develop their core skills.
Enrichment and after school clubs extend these opportunities further including science art and sports clubs, theatre visits, trips and visitors to school. Specialised music, PE and French teachers are used across key stages to ensure excellence.
Pupils have the opportunity to share their learning with Parents and Carers through presentations, assemblies, performances, competitions and celebrations as well as formal parents evening and review days.
Teacher’s planning shows a clear pathway of skills, knowledge and vocabulary taught with varied opportunities for cross curricular work.
Evidence in books shows a progression of skills across all subjects and year groups and assessment procedures verify this.
Vocabulary development, including subject specific vocab, is evident in independent study and across the wider curriculum. Development of subject specific vocabulary allows access to higher order texts which in turn leads to positive reading comprehension results.
Pupil voice supports the love of learning and the enjoyment they have of our curriculum.
If you would like more information about our curriculum please contact the school office.