“Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

(Matthew 19:14)


To fulfil our Religious Education aims and objectives, Key Stage 2 currently use the ‘Come and See’ programme of Religious Education, whereas EYFS and Key Stage 1 currently follow the new 'To Know You More Clearly' Religious Education programme. Both of these programmes are recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.


Come and See

This programme is developed through three themes: Church, Sacrament, Christian living.

There are three Church themes throughout the year and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme. In the Autumn term, we begin with looking at Domestic Church. The Church honours the family with the title ‘domestic church’ because parents ‘by their word and example are the first teachers of faith with regard to their children (Lumen Gentium 11/ CCC1656). In the Spring term, we explore the theme of Local Church. Here we look at the parish and the diocese. In the Summer term, we focus on Universal Church which is when we explore the worldwide community.

There are three Sacrament themes throughout the year and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme. In the Autumn term, we focus on ‘belonging’. At EY/KS1, the theme of Baptism explored. At KS2, the children learn about the Sacrament of Confirmation. Older KS2 children also explore the Sacraments of Ordination and Marriage. In the Spring term, we explore the Eucharist. In the Summer term, we explore the sacrament of Reconciliation. At Upper KS2, children also learn about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

There are three Christian living themes and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme. In the Autumn term, we explore Advent/Christmas. In this spring term, Lent and Easter are explored. In the Summer term,  the study of the Ascension and Pentecost completes the Easter story. Each theme is explored through a different topic in each year group.


“Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

(Matthew 19:14)


To fulfil our Religious Education aims and objectives, Key Stage 2 currently use the ‘Come and See’ programme of Religious Education, whereas EYFS and Key Stage 1 currently follow the new 'To Know You More Clearly' Religious Education programme. Both of these programmes are recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.


Come and See

This programme is developed through three themes: Church, Sacrament, Christian living.

There are three Church themes throughout the year and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme. In the Autumn term, we begin with looking at Domestic Church. The Church honours the family with the title ‘domestic church’ because parents ‘by their word and example are the first teachers of faith with regard to their children (Lumen Gentium 11/ CCC1656). In the Spring term, we explore the theme of Local Church. Here we look at the parish and the diocese. In the Summer term, we focus on Universal Church which is when we explore the worldwide community.

There are three Sacrament themes throughout the year and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme. In the Autumn term, we focus on ‘belonging’. At EY/KS1, the theme of Baptism explored. At KS2, the children learn about the Sacrament of Confirmation. Older KS2 children also explore the Sacraments of Ordination and Marriage. In the Spring term, we explore the Eucharist. In the Summer term, we explore the sacrament of Reconciliation. At Upper KS2, children also learn about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

There are three Christian living themes and each theme gradually builds on the understanding of the previous theme. In the Autumn term, we explore Advent/Christmas. In this spring term, Lent and Easter are explored. In the Summer term,  the study of the Ascension and Pentecost completes the Easter story. Each theme is explored through a different topic in each year group.
