Modern Foreign Languages Intent
At St. Benedict's, we teach French to all our Key Stage 2 children. We believe the earlier a child is exposed to another language, the faster and more effective it is acquired.
We aim to provide our pupils with the opportunity to experience another language in a way that is fun and enjoyable. We want to foster an interest in learning another language, help children develop an awareness of cultural differences in other countries and develop their speaking and listening skills. We aim to promote initiative, confidence, independent learning and to encourage diversity within society.
We aim to do this by:
- Developing positive attitudes and unprejudiced understanding to speakers of foreign languages and their cultures/customs
- Laying the foundations for future language learning
- Teaching the four strands of speaking, listening, reading and writing
- Ensuring children understand basic grammar including feminine/masculine nouns and can construct sentences using the knowledge learned by understanding how these differ from or are similar to patterns of the /English language
- Making the lessons as entertaining and enjoyable as possible to help develop a positive attitude to learning a foreign language
- Immerse the children in not only the French language but its culture, history and geography through fun and informative activities.
Modern Foreign Languages Policy
Progression of Skills