July 2024
Wednesday 3rd - St Thomas, Apostle (feast)
Sunday 7th - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thursday 11th - St Benedict, Abbot, Patron of students and of Europe (feast)
Sunday 14th - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday 15th - St Bonaventure (memorial)
Sunday 21st - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday 22nd - St Mary Magdalene (feast)
Tuesday 23rd - St Bridget (feast)
Thursday 25th - St James, Apostle (feast)
Friday 26th - Ss Joachim and Ann, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary (memorial)
Sunday 28th - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday 29th - St Mary, Martha and Lazarus (memorial)
Wednesday 31st - St Ignatius of Loyola (memorial)