
Year One


The overarching theme of Religious Education within Year One is Revelation - how do people know about God?

Through the new programme, children will explore the different ways in which revelation is experienced, beginning with revelation through Creation, then moving on to revelation in the incarnation of Jesus. Children will make the link that Jesus is another way that people meet God. Children will then understand a simple account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection before encountering the language and imagery of the revelation of God in the Holy Spirit (RED 2023).
What will I see and hear to help me understand?
How will I discover more?
What can I do now?
Please click on the links below to view the Year 1 Overview documents:
Branch 1: Creation and Covenant
Brach 2: Prophecy and Promise
Branch 3: Galilee to Jerusalem
Branch 4: Desert to Garden
Branch 5: To The Ends of The Earth
Branch 6: Dialogue and Encounter

Year One


The overarching theme of Religious Education within Year One is Revelation - how do people know about God?

Through the new programme, children will explore the different ways in which revelation is experienced, beginning with revelation through Creation, then moving on to revelation in the incarnation of Jesus. Children will make the link that Jesus is another way that people meet God. Children will then understand a simple account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection before encountering the language and imagery of the revelation of God in the Holy Spirit (RED 2023).
What will I see and hear to help me understand?
How will I discover more?
What can I do now?
Please click on the links below to view the Year 1 Overview documents:
Branch 1: Creation and Covenant
Brach 2: Prophecy and Promise
Branch 3: Galilee to Jerusalem
Branch 4: Desert to Garden
Branch 5: To The Ends of The Earth
Branch 6: Dialogue and Encounter

Year One


The overarching theme of Religious Education within Year One is Revelation - how do people know about God?

Through the new programme, children will explore the different ways in which revelation is experienced, beginning with revelation through Creation, then moving on to revelation in the incarnation of Jesus. Children will make the link that Jesus is another way that people meet God. Children will then understand a simple account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection before encountering the language and imagery of the revelation of God in the Holy Spirit (RED 2023).
What will I see and hear to help me understand?
How will I discover more?
What can I do now?
Please click on the links below to view the Year 1 Overview documents:
Branch 1: Creation and Covenant
Brach 2: Prophecy and Promise
Branch 3: Galilee to Jerusalem
Branch 4: Desert to Garden
Branch 5: To The Ends of The Earth
Branch 6: Dialogue and Encounter